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Job opportunities


Our organization hires staff in accordance with the provisions of the ASEP legislation (Supreme Council for Civil Personnel Selection). All job postings are published on our website (as well as on the Council’s website).

We may also recruit through transfers or secondments from the civil workforce pool in accordance with the provisions of the ESK legislation (Single Workforce Mobility System).


In the context of funded projects undertaken by NQIS, needs arise for collaboration with specialized professionals. The search for these freelance partners is done through a relevant call for expression of interest published on our websites, on the “DIAVGEIA” website and/or on the “KIMDIS” (Central Electronic Register of Public Contracts).

Please note that we do not accept unsolicited CVs or other documentation. We only consider applications sent in response to the above-mentioned published calls.

Code of conduct

The Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct for Public Sector Servants published in July 2022 by the Ministry of the Interior applies. It contains fundamental values and the expected behaviour of employees in the performance of their duties.

Violence & Harassment at work

The Decisions YA/DIDAD/F.64/946/oik.858/2023 (Government Gazette B/343/2023 and YA/DIDAD/F.64/996/oik.6766/2023 (Government Gazette B/2561/2023) of the Ministry of the Interior apply. They establish a modern framework for the creation of a work environment which respects, promotes and ensures the right of every person to a world of work free of violence and harassment.