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Who we are

The National Quality Infrastructure System (NQIS) is a Legal Entity governed by Private Law which belongs to the wider public sector, has administrative and financial autonomy, operates for the sake of the public interest and is supervised by the Minister of Development.

It was established by article 6 of Law 4109/2013 (Government Gazette A’16/23-01-2013) and after it’s amendment by Law 4468/2017 (Government Gazette A’61/28-04-2017) the NQIS consists of the “Hellenic Organization for Standardization (ELOT)” and the “Hellenic Institute of Metrology (EIM)” as independent operational units with administrative, financial and accounting autonomy.


Hellenic Organization for Standardization (ELOT)

The Hellenic Organization for Standardization (ELOT) was established by Law 372/1976 (Government Gazette A’166/30-06-1976) as a Legal Entity of non-profit character governed by Private Law, subsidized by the State and supervised by the Minister of Industry.

According to Law 372/1976, the purpose of ELOT is “the development, promotion and implementation of Standardization in Greece and the activities that are relevant and deriving from it in every appropriate way and method”.

NQIS/ELOT is a recognized Standardization body at national, EU and international level and contributes, through the development and operation of Standardization and the provision of standards related information, to the improvement of the competitiveness of businesses and of the national economy. At the same time, it contributes to the improvement of the quality of the products and services, to the protection of the consumers and the environment aiming at the well-being of Greek society.

The main responsibilities of ELOT are:

a) the development of National Standards and Specifications through consensual standardization mechanisms contributing to the competitiveness of the economy and the safeguarding of public goods,

b) the representation of Greek interests in the International and European Organizations for Standardization,

c) the availability of Hellenic, International, European and national Standards of other countries, indicatively ISO, IEC, DIN, BSI, IEEE, ASTM, AWWA,

d) the dissemination of the implementation of the standards through

  • d1) the provision of technical information on standards to interested parties, relevant legal and regulatory requirements and know-how and related technologies,
  • d2) education and training and
  • d3) research on issues related to Standardization, and

e) the operation of the information center for draft Technical Regulations, within the framework of Directive 2015/1535/EU on the provision of information between member states when adopting technical regulations.


Hellenic Institute of Metrology (ΕΙΜ)

The Hellenic Institute of Metrology was established by Law 2231/94 (Government Gazette A’ 139/31-08-1994) as a Legal Entity governed by Private Law and supervised by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Technology. It is the national metrology body in the field of scientific/industrial metrology and the state’s official technical advisor on metrology issues.

NQIS/EIM is responsible for the operation and maintenance of national measurement standards, ensuring the reliability of measurements at the national level and Greece’s participation in the Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) and the European Association of National Metrology Institutes (EURAMET).

NQIS/EIM develops activities, promotes co-operation and provides services, which contribute to the growth of a competitive national economy. Its activities contribute to the quality of products and services, the improvement of methods and processes in manufacturing and production, as well as the assurance of fair trade and consumer safety & protection.

The main responsibilities of EIM, as defined by Law 2231/94 are:

  • the realization of all basic and derivative measurement units of the International System of units (S.I.) with the use of the respective national standards,
  • the development of measuring methods and techniques,
  • the support of the National Metrology System,
  • the operation of calibration laboratories and the issuance of calibration certificates,
  • the promotion of the science of metrology,
  • the development and the provision of certified reference materials, and
  • the national representation to international metrology organizations and fora.